Wat Is Mijn User Agent?

A user agent is a “string” – that is, a line of text – identifying the browser and operating system to the web server. This sounds simple, but user agents have become a mess over time. When your browser connects to a website, it includes a User-Agent field in its HTTP header.

Mensen vragen ook,What is my user agent information?

User Agent. Sometimes abbreviated as UA, the user agent is a browser text string that is given to each website you visit; containing information such as the browser version, compatibility, operating system, and any modifying plugins.

Vervolgens is de vraag:,What is user agent in web browser?

What Is a Browser’s User Agent? The Basics. When your browser connects to a website, it includes a User-Agent field in its HTTP header. … Examining User Agents. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0 This user agent tells the web server quite a bit: The operating system is Windows 7 (code name Windows … The User Agent String Mess. … Uses. …

Hierin,What does user agent mean?

In computing, a user agent is software (a software agent) that is acting on behalf of a user. One common use of the term refers to a web browser that “retrieves, renders and facilitates end user interaction with Web content”.

What is an example of an user agent?

Here are a few types of user agents:Web Browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, and more.Bots: Googlebot, Baidu Spider, BingBot, Yandex Bot, and more.Consoles: Playstation, Wii, Nintendo, and etc.Programming Tools: wget, Snoopy, and etc.Link checker: W3C-checklink

What is the user agent of my browser?

When you’re surfing the Internet—hopping from one Web page to another, sending emails from your Gmail or Yahoo email account, or shopping on Amazon.com—your Web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) is the user agent. The network you’re accessing is the Internet, with a specific website or service in mind (such as Amazon.com).

What does your user agent string mean?

What does all of that mean?! Each bit of your user agent indicates something particular about your system. There’s no “standard” way of writing a user agent string, so different web browsers use different formats (some are wildly different), and many web browsers cram loads of information into their user agents.

What does each bit of my user agent mean?

Each bit of your user agent indicates something particular about your system. There’s no “standard” way of writing a user agent string, so different web browsers use different formats (some are wildly different), and many web browsers cram loads of information into their user agents.

How do you decode a user agent string?

There’s no “standard” way of writing a user agent string, so different web browsers use different formats (some are wildly different), and many web browsers cram loads of information into their user agents. That’s where WhatIsMyBrowser.com steps in-we decode your user agent string to figure out everything it’s saying.

What are user agent strings?

User-AgentSyntax. A product identifier – its name or development codename. …Firefox UA string. …Chrome UA string. …Opera UA string. …Safari UA string. …Internet Explorer UA string. …Crawler and bot UA stringsLibrary and net tool UA strings. …Specifications. …Browser compatibilityMore items…

What is a browser’s user agent?

What Is a Browser’s User Agent? The Basics. When your browser connects to a website, it includes a User-Agent field in its HTTP header. … Examining User Agents. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0 This user agent tells the web server quite a bit: The operating system is Windows 7 (code name Windows … The User Agent String Mess. … Uses. …

What are user agents?

User agent. In computing, a user agent is software (a software agent) that is acting on behalf of a user. One common use of the term refers to a web browser that “retrieves, renders and facilitates end user interaction with Web content”. There are other uses of the term “user agent”. For example, an email reader is a mail user agent.

What is my user agent?

My User Agent Information or simply User Agent is the information about your browser, screen resolution, Name of Operating System etc. This tools shows you above information so that you can determine that what information is being sent to other websites as user agent.

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