Waar Is Mark Rutte Verantwoordelijk Voor?

5 Mark Rutte likes his political opponents. His real friends, however, all date from before his political career and are not interested in the VVD. But, typically, he likes all his colleagues, especially the SP’s Emile Roemer. ‘He has integrity.

verder,Is Rutte in a relationship?

Personal lifeEdit. Rutte is single. He is a member of the Dutch Protestant Church. Rutte still teaches two hours a week at a secondary school, the Johan de Witt College in The Hague. Rutte is known to be a big fan of the writing of Robert Caro, especially his book about Robert Moses, The Power Broker.

Naast boven,What is Mark Rutte’s favourite TV programme?

8 His favourite television programme is De Wereld Draait Door, the daily tv chat show hosted by Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, on which he has been a guest on occasion. 9 Mark Rutte’s favourite classical music include Mozart’s String quartet no 4, part 1 ‘Allegro’, Brahm’s clarinet quartet, opus 115 – part II, ‘Adagio’ and Franz Schubert’s ‘Gute Nacht’.

Met betrekking tot dit,Does Mark Rutte have a wife?

3 Mark Rutte is a ‘happy single’. When asked about the conspicuous absence of a significant other in his life, the prime minister says he might have ‘a wife and kids’ one day. But not just yet. ‘The most important thing to ask is “am I happy with how I live at the moment?” And I am,’ he says. 4 Rutte says he will not be a politican forever.

Wat is Mark Rutte minister-president, minister van Algemene Zaken?

Mark Rutte Minister-president, minister van Algemene Zaken.

Wie is minister-president Mark Rutte?

Minister-president Mark Rutte . Wie is Mark Rutte? Mark Rutte werd op 14 februari 1967 geboren in Den Haag en groeide op in een gezin met zeven kinderen. Van 2002 tot en met 2004 was Mark staatssecretaris van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid.

Wie is drs. Mark Rutte?

Drs. M. (Mark) Rutte treedt na zijn studie in 1992 in dienst bij Unilever. Tot 1997 is hij daar als human resources manager verantwoordelijk voor opleidingen en trainingen van medewerkers en begeleidt hij enkele reorganisaties. In 1997 wordt hij personeelsmanager bij Van den Bergh Nederland (Calvé) in Delft, een onderdeel van Unilever.

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