Hoe Werkt Cruise Control Renault Captur?

The only way your cruise control module is going to know how fast the vehicle is moving is if the vehicle speed sensors feed this information to it. If the module cannot detect the speed because of faulty speed sensors, then the cruise control system will automatically deactivate.

Naast boven,How does cruise control work on cars with low gears?

This is done so the brakes don’t overheat, and it’s easier to control the car if it has a lower gear. The cruise control is only replicating what a human drive would do. Yes, revs may be a bit higher, but that’s fine. I’m a bit confused by the statement that it coasts down the hill at the same speed… if the gradient is steep the car will speed up.

Naast dit,Why does my cruise control stop working when I accelerate?

If the module cannot detect the speed because of faulty speed sensors, then the cruise control system will automatically deactivate. There are several electrical components connected to the cruise control system. The connectors and wiring harnesses are definitely components that you need to check when the cruise control stops working.

Men kan ook vragen,Can cruise control be used on steep roads?

However, most steep gradients also have significant corners, so aren’t suitable for cruise control. There are some freeways that are quite steep, for example the approach into Adelaide. Another point is that not all cruise control systems stop the vehicle exceeding the set speed, most permit overruns.

What happens when the cruise control is put on standby?

When the cruise control function is put on standby, pressing switch 2 (+) reactivates the cruise control function without taking into account the stored speed: it is the speed at which the vehicle is moving that is taken into account.

How do I deactivate the cruise control?

The cruise control function is deactivated if you press switch 1: in this case a speed is no longer stored. The two instrument panel warning lights  and  go out to confirm that the function is deactivated.

How to use the cruise control function?

Once a cruising speed is stored and the cruise control function is active, you may lift your foot off the accelerator pedal. Important: you are nevertheless advised to keep your feet close to the pedals in order to react if necessary. The cruising speed may be changed by pressing the following repeatedly: – switch 3 (-) to decrease the speed.

Why is my cruise control not working on a steep gradient?

When driving down a steep gradient, the system is unable to maintain the cruising speed: the stored speed will flash on the instrument panel information display to inform you of this situation. The cruise control function is in no way linked to the braking system. The function is set to standby if you:

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