Wat Is Een Goede Engagement Rate Instagram?

In summary, as an industry standard, an engagement rate on Instagram between 1% and 3% is generally good, it is the average we see on an influencer’s profile.

dienovereenkomstig,What is a good engagement rate on Facebook for promoted content?

You should work out a strategy to re-energise your content and engage with your followers/fans again. – For the reach- and impression-based measurement method, a 1% – 2% Facebook engagement rate is considered good. This is because promoted content is usually tailored to a unique group of audience.

bijgevolg,What is a good engagement rate?

Below is an industry standard guideline so you can benchmark results: 1 Less than 1% = low engagement rate 2 Between 1% and 3.5% = average/good engagement rate 3 Between 3.5% and 6% = high engagement rate 4 Above 6% = very high engagement rate

Evenzo vragen mensen,Why does your Instagram engagement matter?

Your Instagram engagement matters because of all the reasons we discussed earlier. An exceptionally low engagement rate can definitely serve as a red flag as can an uncharacteristically high one. But it’s not the be-all and end-all.

What is a good engagement rate on Instagram?

Below is an industry standard guideline so you can benchmark results: In summary, as an industry standard, an engagement rate on Instagram between 1% and 3% is generally good, it is the average we see on an influencer’s profile.

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